Bing Speech API – Maximum duration of speech recognition

I now encountered one further issue. The audio seems to automatically stop if there is inactivity for a certain amount of time. Apparently if there is no audio/speech being detected, it will stop “listening”, so I have to manually “start the listening” again.

This could present a serious issue as I would like people to be able to say a command at any given time during the story, so they can pause, end, etc. using a voice command.

I am trying to resolve this issue and doing some research online.

Reading through the Microsoft references and found this:

Connection duration limitations
The maximum duration for any active WebSocket connection is 10 minutes. A connection is active if either the service or the client sends WebSocket messages over that connection. The service terminates the connection without warning when the limit is reached. Clients should develop user scenarios that do not require the connection to remain active at or near the maximum connection lifetime.

The maximum duration for any inactive WebSocket connection is 180 seconds. A connection is inactive if neither the service nor the client sent a WebSocket message over the connection. After the maximum inactive lifetime is reached, the service terminates the inactive WebSocket connection.

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